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argue out的用法与搭配



1. 说服某人不去做某事
2. 说服不做


    It is another thing to say correctly that there is no neutral common ground to which an experienced nazi philosopher and I can repair in order to argue out our differences .
    Scientists have to discuss and debate and argue and figure out if it 's right or wrong .
    Do you think we can argue the question out this afternoon ?
    First they argue that growth is bottoming out .
    Although microsoft 's fortunes in mobile software have fallen ( it 's now the no.5 player ) chou and others at htc argue there are customers out there who do want what windows phone 7 has to offer .
    The optimists argue yes pointing out that fiscal deficits and public debt are low in china and that the country has the resources to engineer a rapid fiscal stimulus in a short period of time .
    The entrenchment of fiscal rectitude across the eurozone weakens critics who argue germany is bailing out feckless southern europeans .
    Defenders of private equity operators argue that by ruthlessly squeezing out costs these traders add to the efficiency of the economy .
    Critics of mr gates argue that he is hollowing out the armed forces and accepting a diminished position for america in the world .
    From coverage of $ 100 million wall street salaries to the millionaire tax the media has given conservatives and pro-wealth businesses plenty of fodder to argue that the press is out to get the rich .

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